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Navigating Macular Degeneration and Low Vision

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Macular degeneration is an eye disease that refers to the gradual deterioration of the macula, the central part of the retina. The retina is the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye that sends signals to the brain, allowing you to see. This deterioration can manifest in several forms, including dry and wet macular degeneration, as well as other variants like Stargardt’s disease, macular holes, Best’s disease, and epiretinal membranes.

Macular Degeneration's Impact on Vision

Macular degeneration thankfully affects only the central retina, leaving the peripheral retina, responsible for side vision and motion detection, unaffected. People with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) typically don't experience complete blindness nor a black spot in the middle of their vision; in fact, they can usually walk and participate in many domestic activities with minimal vision difficulty. However, recognizing faces, reading small print, and perceiving fine details becomes challenging due to reduced central visual acuity.

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    Why Regular Eyeglasses Won’t Solve Macular Degeneration Issues

    Unfortunately an updated eyeglass prescription will rarely solve the vision challenges of macular degeneration. Traditional eyeglasses can only provide a clear focus on the back of the eye (the retina). The problem is that macular degeneration reduces the eye's ability to see clearly and the eyeglass lenses can only improve vision to the level that the retina can provide. The issue is a result of damage to the retina, not the eye's focus. Therefore, traditional eyeglasses won't usually improve the reduced visual acuity associated with the disease.

    How Low Vision Devices Can Help Those With Macular Degeneration

    Low vision devices can provide essential support for individuals with macular degeneration. Here's how these devices can help:

    • Magnification: Low vision devices, such as magnifiers and bioptic telescopes, magnify text, images, and objects. This magnification makes it easier for individuals to read, view details, and engage in various activities.
    • Special Lighting: Optimized lighting solutions reduce glare and enhance visibility. Proper lighting can significantly improve the ability to see and recognize objects, especially in compromised central vision.
    • Contrast Enhancement: Low vision specialists may recommend tools to increase the contrast between objects and their backgrounds. This enhances clarity and makes distinguishing details easier.
    • Bioptic Telescopes: Ocutech's bioptic telescopes can provide magnification for far and mid-range distances. This is particularly beneficial for tasks that require seeing things at a distance, promoting independence and improved functionality.
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      Discover the Benefits of Ocutech's Low Vision Devices

      Ready to explore how low vision devices can enhance your sight? Consult your low vision specialist about Ocutech's bioptic devices, or contact us for assistance in finding a low vision specialist. Don't let macular degeneration hold you back—empower yourself with the right solutions!