Ocutech Bioptics may Let you Get Behind the Wheel!
Bioptic Telescopes can Help Eligible Individuals with Low Vision Obtain a Driver’s License.*
With Ocutech's bioptic telescopes the dream of driving has become a reality for many individuals. Our bioptics provide enhanced distance vision, allowing individuals with visual impairments to see much further up the road to help them drive more safely and confidently. With training, practice and proper licensure, eligible individuals may enjoy the freedoms that a driver's license can provide.
*When properly licensed
How Bioptics Help a Visually Impaired Driver
Visually impaired drivers often need to get closer to be able to read road signs, see signals, and avoid obstacles, leaving less time for decision-making and driving adjustments. Bioptic telescopes come to the rescue by letting them see clearly much further up the road, providing them the valuable extra time to drive more safely. Bioptic users look through their regular eyeglass lenses most of the time and sight through the telescope only briefly as needed, much like using the rearview and sideview mirrors in the car.
Demonstrating One Benefit of Bioptics:
A Highway Sign Simulation
This simulation demonstrates how bioptics can help a driver see highway signs further away. It illustrates the wider field of view provided by Keplerian telescope bioptics as compared to Galilean telescope bioptics.
Highway sign with normal vision
Highway sign with 20/100 (6/30) vision (simulated)
Highway sign using 3x Galilean Bioptic (simulated)
Highway sign using 3x Keplerian Bioptic (simulated)
Bioptic Driving Resources
Download our general information page.
The eligibility and the requirements for individuals with low vision to receive a driver's license using a bioptic telescope vary from state to state. Consult your low vision specialist and your state's Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to determine the requirements for obtaining a bioptic driver's license in your state. Decisions regarding bioptic driving eligibility are made collaboratively by the licensing agency, the prescriber, the driving instructor (if required) and the bioptic user. Please note that Ocutech makes no claims regarding the fitness of its devices or the fitness of any individual for driving with bioptic aids.
Eyes on the Evidence: Research shows Bioptics are Safe and Helpful for Driving
Our study suggests that the vast majority of bioptic drivers find the bioptic telescope useful as an assistive device in a range of driving tasks. Owsley, C. et al., Visually Impaired Drivers Who Use Bioptic Telescopes (abbrev.), Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Jan 2014; 55 (1)
The majority (74%) rated the bioptic telescope as very helpful, and almost all (90%) would continue to use it for driving, even if it were not required for driving licensure. Bowers AR, Apfelbaum DH, Peli E., Bioptic Telescopes Meet the Needs of Drivers with Moderate Visual Acuity Loss, Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2005 Jan;46(1)
This study found no evidence that bioptic drivers were more prone to collisions than healthy drivers. Moharrer, M. et al., Evaluation of the Driving Safety of Visually Impaired Bioptic Drivers Based on Critical Events in Naturalistic Driving, tvst.arvojournals.org, 2020